Process Safety Consultancy Services
Roger Casey & Associates provide the following services in the area of process safety and major hazards
HAZOP Studies
HAZOP team leading, HAZOP training courses, Audits of HAZOP systems. Computer controlled HAZOP (CHazop).
Techniques for assessment of major projects (Hazard Study 1-6)

Seveso III (COMAH) Directive
Development of MAPPs, Safety Reports, and Emergency Plans to comply with the requirements of the Seveso III (COMAH) directive in Ireland and the UK. Land Use Planning Assessments. QRA for COMAH Land Use Planning purposes. Audit and review of MAPP, Safety Reports etc. Roger Casey has been providing Seveso consultancy services in Ireland since 1997.
Frequency Analysis / Quantitative Risk Assessment of Major Hazards
Numerical analysis of incident frequencies. Fault Tree Analysis, Event Tree Analysis, Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA), Quantitative Risk Assessment e.g. Individual Risk calculations.

Industrial Electrostatic Hazards
Electrostatic hazard audits and surveys. Incident investigation. Electrostatic measurements.
Process Safety Reviews
Review of chemical processes for potential reaction and processing hazards and recommendations for safe operation. Advice on reaction hazard testing. Initial assessment of new processes. Assistance with the development of protection measures.

Pressure Relief System Design
Worst case scenario determination and design of pressure relief devices based on DIERS. Design or assessment for fire engulfment, low pressure storage tanks etc. Relief header treatment system design. Building relief.
SIL Determination, Analysis
Risk analysis to calculate Safety Integrity Level (SIL) and Probability of Failure on Demand (PFD) calculations for Safety Instrumented Systems.
Audits of SIS systems.

Dust Explosion Hazards
Assessment of dust explosion hazards in powder handling plant (mills, dryers etc),and recommendations for safe operation.
Design / specification of dust explosion prevention and protection systems.
Process Safety Management Systems
Development of Process Safety Management systems.
Independent Auditing and review of safety management systems.

Consequence Modelling
Hazardous Area Classification / ATEX Directive

Permit Systems
Emergency Planning
Development / update of Internal Emergency Plans to comply with the requirements of the Seveso III (COMAH) directive in Ireland